
Monday 21 June 2021

How to be normal

 This week we have been doing questions on a story that we had to read. We done questions about the story and how the story went. Here is my work that I have done, it has got all of my questions on it.

How to be normal

  1. Charleys hip banged into Michaela.  

  2. I think charley is a bit different to others because the name of the story says “how to be normal” so that gave off the impression that charley is a bit different/weird.

  3. No charley doesn't have a right to be angry because it wasn't that big of a deal.

  4. Sad because she got yelled at by Michaela, she might have felt different to other people.

  5. Charley is relaxed because she is not around other people who are mean to her.

Exploring languages:

Screeches: Yelling at the top of your lungs

Apologize: Say sorry to someone and make it up to them

Intenly: Made on purpose

Write down three sentences that either have there, their or they’re

When she gets there, Amys sitting against the tree with her eyes closed

They’re all sitting at their desks

I thought this story is good for the outstanding task becasue it has a person being bullied and

she needs somone to stand up for he, and thats the main point of the task that we are doing

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