
Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Making Hokey Pokey


I want to find out how to make Hokey Pokey


Hokey pokey song

How to make hokey pokey



  • Sugar
  • Baking soda
  • Golden syrup
  • Table spoon
  • Saucepan/pot
  • Cookie cutter
  • Baking paper
  • Bunsen burner
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Set up the Bunsen burner
  4. Put the saucepan/pot on top of the Bunsen burner
  5. Light the Bunsen burner
  6. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar to the pot
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of Golden Syrup to the pot.
  8. Melt and mix
  9. Turn off the gas and add  one tablespoon of baking soda and mix
  10. Scrape the hokey pokey on to the baking paper
  11. Let it cool for a 1min
  12. Press a cookie cutter into the hokey pokey

Monday, 6 December 2021

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Business + Enterprise Kete

 This term we have been doing B&E (Business and Enterprise) I was the marketing manager we made seed tape. Seed tape is some toilet paper and you put seeds in the middle of the paper and  damp the middle and fold over.

We were learning how to run and create a business, and all the parts and jobs of running one. I was the marketing manager, the marketing manager runs the creating of the product, like making the poster and creating it.

We were hoping to get people who were into gardening and planting plants. 

I dont think we were successful because we only made 1 dollar and not much people came to buy our product, probably because its plants and the crowd was looking for something elese.

- James

Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Making ginger bear


I want to find out how to (brew) ginger beer.\


How to make ginger beer

What is alcohol

Science of fermentation



  • Ginger
  • Warm water
  • Yeast
  • Cup
  • Spoon


  1. Get the equipment.
  2. Put 1 tablespoon of ginger in the cup.
  3. Half fill the cup with warm water.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of yeast.
  5. Mix all together.
  6. Leave it to ferment for one week.
  7. After one week, taste it.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Reading plus pt 29

 This is my 29th reading plus blog post. I masters lots of words in my vocabulary and got a combo. I only need 4 more combos, to gain the next level.

- James

I spent to much time mucking around next time im going to try harder.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Buisness and enterprise

 This week we have been doing business and enterprise. We are making seed tape, seed tape is where you place seeds on some tape, and place it on soil. And they spread evenly on the soil.

My group is Tom, Caleb, and Nu'u

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Red Cabbage Indicator

 Aim: I want to find out how red cabbage can tell a liquid is an acid or a base



  • Hydrocholric acid
  • Sodium hydroxcide
  • beaker
  • test tubes
  • test tube rack
  • red cabbage
  • Dropper


  1. Rip red cabbage into small peices
  2. place in hot water
  3. Mix around for a bit
  4. Do three squirt with your dropper into each of the test tubes
  5. Pour acid base into the big tube on the right
  6. Pour the base into the big tube on the left
Results: The test tubes changed colours when you pour the acid/base into the test tubes to make different colours.

Red Cabbage Indicator Colors : Chemistry Experiment for Kids to do at Home  - YouTube

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Making Sherbert


I want to find out how to make sherbet.



  • Popsicle stick
  • Citric Acid
  • Baking Soda
  • Raro
  • Paper
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Put the paper on your table
  4. Get a pile of the three powders
  5. Using your Popsicle stick mix some of each powder
  6. Taste the sherbet
  7. If theirs too much baking soda add more citric acid
  8. If theirs too much citric acid add more baking soda
  9. To improve the taste add more Raro


Why did the sherbet not foam on the paper but it did in your mouth? 

What was the chemical reaction in the sherbet? Carbon Dioxide, Sodium bicarbonate

What type of chemical reaction is this

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out if food tastes differently when you cant see or smell.



  • Mystery food
  • Blindfold
  • Popsicle stick

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Put on your blindfold.
  4. Pinch your nose.
  5. Get your food and eat it.
  6. Unblock your nose.

Unknown foodFirst tasteLast tasteFood guess
It was sweet in the middle of my tougne
It was sallty in my tougne
Bitter and disgusting
4Super sourCitris acid
Bitter and crunchy
Crunchy and weird taste
7Nice and juicyapple
juicy and crunchy
Stale and strawberry
Stale marshmellow
crunchy and chip taste
Stale burgerrings
Sweet and savoury

How do you taste food? With your tougne and taste buds
What  are the different tastes? Salty, Savoury, Sweet, Sour, and bitter
Where are the different taste buds on your tougne? Sides, middle, front and back
Does smell affect your taste? No

Friday, 29 October 2021


 Today in drama we are learning the three art - Music, thearter, and Dance

1.  Performing Arts - What actually is Performing Arts?

Performing arts to me is acting on stage and drama on the stage with acting.

2. Make a list of some examples. Find at least 5 different types support these with links to videos.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Eating Hot Chilli


I want to find out how to get rid of the burning chilli off my tongue.


  • Popsicle stick
  • Chilli
  • Coca-cola
  • Milk
  • Timer
  • Water


  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Scoop some chilli onto your stick.
  3. Start the timer and eat the chilli.
  4. Stop the timer after 4 mins.
  5. Rate how hot your mouth is.
  6. Do experiment again but drink water after 2 mins.
  7. Do experiment again but drink Coca-cola after 2 mins.
  8. Drink milk.

Without water or drinks 10/10

With water it was a 8.5/10

With coke it was a 11/10

With milk it was a  5/10


Why does chilli burn your mouth? Capsaicin 

Why did the milk reduce the burn? Casein

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Bacteria around our School


I want to find out what type of bacteria are around our school.





  • Cue tips cotton bud
  • Agar Plates
  • Marker Pen
  • Cellotape


  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Use a marker pen to write your name and location on the lid.
  4. Wet the cue tip and swab the surface.
  5. Gently swab the agar plate.
  6. Tape around the edges of the agar plate.
  7. Put the agar plate in an incubator over night.
  8. Observe the plate the next day.

White: Ecoli (poo bacteria)
Yellow: Strep throat (throat infection)
Pink: Salmonella (food poisoning
Red: Meningitis (Brain infection)

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Reading plus pt 18



 This week we have been doing coding and I've been learning how to code. It is really fun when you know how to do it. I've been learning how to make different animals,people, and creatures, I could also make them move the way I wanted the creatures to move. I could also make text for the characters and make them talk to you and tell you questions. 

I've had really lots of fun doing coding and I hope to make more coding and be better at it because is was really fun to do.

Here is one of my code lines that I've made...

for (var count = 0; count < 4; count++) {

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Para - Olmypics

 Sophie Pascoe, Sophie is a para - Olympian she represents her country New Zealand in swimming. Sophie was born in January the 8th in New Zealand. She had represented New Zealand at four summer para Olympic games from 2008, winning a total of nine gold medals, and seven silver medals, making her the most successful New Zealand Para - Olympian ever! 

The Wheel Blacks, the Wheel Blacks are Paralympics team representing the sport rugby they are also a  2004, 2000, and 1996 medal winners! They have one 1 gold and 2 bronzes for New Zealand in rugby.

Lisa Adams, Lisa Adams is a shot put champion in 2019, she has a brother and a sister how are great sportsman, Steven Adams - NBA player, and there sister Valerie Adams - shot put champ. They are all successful in some way. Lisa Adams has recently one a gold medal in shot put representing New Zealand. She has also set 4 Paralympics records in the progress.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Reading plus 13



This week we have been learning hot to code with Ms's Allen, We were working on a sight called code org and on that site you can make your own codes, such as a scene with fish or a dance party with cats and songs in the background. My thought on coding were its fun to find different codes and make them work on the site and make your own kind of mini game.

Here is my finished project of a dancing scene..


Wednesday, 7 July 2021



I am trying to fiind out how many bubbles are made when Mentos is dropped in Coke.



  • Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite
  • Mento's
  • Measuring Cylinder (100mL. and 10mL)
  • Small beaker
  • Saftey Glasses
  • Detergent

  1. Get equipment
  2. pour your Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite into your measuring cylinder - to 20mL
  3. Then pour 5mL of detergent into the measuring cylinder with your beaker
  4. Put Mento's into measuring cylinder 
  5. Mesure bubbles

CokeCoke No SugarSprite
Height of bubbles45mL45mL50mL


I found out that the more detergent the more the fizz and Sprite fizzes up more than Coke, and Coke Zero.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Netiquette poster


This is my netiquette poster of unwanted messages and inappropriate pictures that you dont want.
This teaches you how to get rid of the texted and the pictures, and what to do when you dont know what to do.

Reading plus pt 7


Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Edible Slime


I want to find out how to make edible slime.



  • marshmallows
  • Popsicle stick
  • paper cup
  • microwave
  •  icing sugar
  • vegetable oil


  1. Get equipment
  2. Pour marshmallows into cup
  3. Put the cup of marshmallows into the microwave for 10 seconds at the lowest heat setting
  4. Pull cup out of microwave
  5. Stir the marshmallows in the cup


My slime was soft at the start when I heated it up

The second time I heated it up it was crusty because I keeped it on for a while.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Skittle Colours


I want to find out what happens when you put Skittles in water.



  • Petri Dish
  • Skittles
  • Warm water
  • Small Beaker

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Spread out the Skittles around the edge.
  3. Gently, pour the warm water into the middle of the petri dish.
  4. Observe what happens.


Why did the colour leave the Skittles? 

The sugar coating dissovled in the water.

Monday, 21 June 2021

How to be normal

 This week we have been doing questions on a story that we had to read. We done questions about the story and how the story went. Here is my work that I have done, it has got all of my questions on it.

How to be normal

  1. Charleys hip banged into Michaela.  

  2. I think charley is a bit different to others because the name of the story says “how to be normal” so that gave off the impression that charley is a bit different/weird.

  3. No charley doesn't have a right to be angry because it wasn't that big of a deal.

  4. Sad because she got yelled at by Michaela, she might have felt different to other people.

  5. Charley is relaxed because she is not around other people who are mean to her.

Exploring languages:

Screeches: Yelling at the top of your lungs

Apologize: Say sorry to someone and make it up to them

Intenly: Made on purpose

Write down three sentences that either have there, their or they’re

When she gets there, Amys sitting against the tree with her eyes closed

They’re all sitting at their desks

I thought this story is good for the outstanding task becasue it has a person being bullied and

she needs somone to stand up for he, and thats the main point of the task that we are doing

Reading plus pt3


Thursday, 17 June 2021

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Reading plus Blog

 Here's my reading plus report for Tuesday 15th June

Thursday, 10 June 2021


 What is Hockey?

Hockey is used with a stick - (hockey stick) is is used to push or smack a ball - (hockey ball). To play hockey you need to get the ball into the oppositions teams goal. The equipment you will need is a mouth guard to protect your teeth, and shin pads to protect your shins. The equipment will just be a hockey stick. 

What I learned from this sport is that is very much like football and very similar to the way the game is set out. I learnt how to pass a hockey ball with a hockey stick. I also learned how to shoot a ball by pushing it with your hockey stick.

Do you play hockey for a club?

Gummy Bear Osmosis

Aim: I want to find out what happens to Gummy Bear when left in liquids.

Mehod: Equipment

  • Gummy bears
  • Liquids - water, salt water, sugar water
  • Electronic scale
  • 4x petri dishes
  • Marker pen

  1. Get equipment.
  2. Get your petri dish and write down your name and type of water - water/salt water/sugar water/dry on the petri dish.
  3. Weigh the gummy bear.

Thursday, 20 May 2021


 We are learning to infer.

Inferring is when you read between the lines of a sentence, that actually hasn't stated what it said in the sentence. So you guess the clues that were said in the literal information, literal information is what is actually said in the sentence so you use those clues to find out what it will mean or what will happen or what did happen.

E.g. We are in a dark and cold bunker, but we are safe from the blast. - If I had to infer what this means I would say the was a nuclear blast outside that's why they are hiding in a bunker. 

Another way to infer is to use your prior knowledge that you know and use that to figure out what is happening in the text (story).

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Hands on Fire


I want to find out how to set my self on fire - SAFELY!



  • Large container of water
  • Detergent (Liquid Soap)
  • Hose
  • Gas
  • Lighter
  • Safety
  1. Get the equipment.
  2. Fill the container with water 2 cm deep.
  3. Put some liquid soap in the water and gently mix it around.
  4. Connect the hose to the gas tap.
  5. Turn on the gas and bubble it in the water.
  6. Roll up your sleeves past your elbows or take your jacket off. 
  7. You are going to wet you hands and arms with water.
  8. With 2 hands scoop the bubbles but not the water.
  9. Take two steps froward away from the try.
  10. Then you light the bubbles on fire.
  11. Then to get rid of the fire open up both hands and give a high five gesture with both hands.

It felt hot when you left it there for a bit.
It smelt when the flame went up in the air.
I could hear the flame go "boof" up into the air as soon as I released my hands.

Friday, 7 May 2021

How has week 1 term 2 gone?

 How has week 1 term 2 gone? - it is alright because more sport is on this term and i've got into more sports like league and basketball for the school team. We have more options than we did last term and the options are the one that I liked. So this term is going well at the moment.


Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Safety in the Lab


  1. You  must follow the instructions given by the teacher.
  2. You must not enter the lab without the teacher.
  3. Report any breakages.
  4. Shoes must be worn at all time.
  5. Do not eat or drink in the lab.
  6. If you spill something tell the teacher and then clean the spill up.
  7. Wash your hand after doing experiments.
  8. A heat proof mat should always be use when heating.
  9. If in doubt, ask the teacher.
  10. Never taste or smell chemicals.
1. Liquids do not go into the bins, because..... they will go down the sink.
2. Solids do not go down the sink because.... it will block the sink up.
3. Wear safety glasses when you do experiments,
because.... things could go wrong and explode.
4. Put your chair under the desk, and stand at the bench.
when you do experiments, could trip up students when they walk.
5. Bags do not go on the desks, because... that's where you do the experiments at.
6. Long hair should be tied back, because... it could burn .
7. Do not smell the chemicals, because... you could pass out or faint when you inhale
8. Walk, don’t run around the room, because... you could break a bone, get hurt or break the equipment if you trip over.
9. Do not eat or drink in the lab, because... it could contain chemicals on the food and when you eat food the chemicals will enter your stomach.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Music Through The Decades

 This week we have been doing a slideshow about famous musicians throughout the decades, we had to get into a group of three and work on what decades we are doing on about music. Here is the slide show that our group has made...

Reflection For the Cultural kete

 This week we have been doing a cultural kete. A cultrual kete is when you pick a culurtue you offiliate with, my culutrue was moari and we done a kiwiana poster, a kiwiana poster is stuff about new zealand like L&P. What went well for our group? We started of slowly and then we got to work colouring in and everyone was stuck in and doing it.

What didnt go so well? The things that let us down were not getting focused on the poster and thinking of ideas to draw and colour, but in the end we got it done.

If I was to do this again what would I do differently? I would colour in every box and try do better on the drawings and what we draw on.

- James

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

OUR HEROS - Mosque Shootings

 This week we had to make a DLO about the mosque shootings, or the Christchurch earthquakes. I picked to do the mosque shootings and all the questions are on my DLO that I had to anwser. Here is my DLO with all the mosque questions.


OUR HERO'S - Political Decision - Making

  This week we have been learning about political decision making in our class. It is about the treaty of waitangi signing.What are the similaritys between the proscess we used to create our class treaty and the steps that involved in passing new laws?

1. In our class we went into groups and spread the workload, this is the same in parliament.

2.Other people checked our work and made new changes to our work. This is like a second reading of a Bill.

3.We then put our treaty into a formal format. Parliamentary Services does this.

4.We checked it out as a whole class. This is like the final reading in parliment.

5.We all signed the treaty. This is the same as Royal Assent (singed by the Governor - general).

When are our general elections? New Zealand general elections generally occur every three years. Unlike some other countries, New Zealand has no fixed election-date for general elections, but rather the prime minister determines the timing of general elections by advising the governor-general when to issue the writs for a general election.

  1. Step 1: The bill is drafted
  2. Step 2: The bill is introduced
  3. Step 3: The bill goes to committee
  4. Step 4: Subcommittee review of the bill
  5. Step 5: Committee mark up of the bill
  6. Step 6: Voting by the full chamber on the bill
  7. Step 7: Referral of the bill to the other chamber
  8. Step 8: The bill goes to the president or the priminister

How do the steps we used to create our Class Treaty compare with the steps in passing a new law?
Because the treaty is getting done and then the bill is shown to the class just like the treaty that we done in our class.
