Lorde is a Intermediate dropout she dropped out at Belmont intermediate. Her real name is Ella Marija professional know as Lorde pronounced "lord" she was born in 7 November Auckland Takpuna 1996. She sings lots of genre's such as pop music elctro pop and lots more.
The hardest part about this post was finding facts that I could put in my own words.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Christmas Clues
Today our teacher gave us a sheet. We had to find out who is the thief. There were clues on the sheet to figure out who is the thief.
The hardest part was finding the theif out because I didint under the clues much.
The easy part was finally catching onto the clues.
The hardest part was finding the theif out because I didint under the clues much.
The easy part was finally catching onto the clues.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Real Or Fake Emails and Websites
This week we have been learning about real or fake emails and websites. If you go on a website with a green lock and says https in the top bar its a real website. To find out a fake website it will have a warning sign that is a yellow triangle with and exclamation mark inside it. To find out a real email if its from a website search it up to see if its real or fake, and same with a fake email.
Don't allway's trust the Wikipedia because they can make up a fake website and scam you or fill you in with fake news.
Here is a picture of a real website. Because it has a lock symbol
Thank you for your time
Don't allway's trust the Wikipedia because they can make up a fake website and scam you or fill you in with fake news.
Here is a picture of a real website. Because it has a lock symbol
Thank you for your time
Monday, 2 December 2019
Definition of...
Trick. A trick is a smart act to outsmart someone.
Bribe. A bribe is a secret that you have to keep and if you do keep it ill give exg, 50$.
Secret. A secret is something bad that you have to keep.
Bribe. A bribe is a secret that you have to keep and if you do keep it ill give exg, 50$.
Secret. A secret is something bad that you have to keep.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Tea Cups
This week we have been doing a math's task in math's. The rules were you cant have the same cups and plates in the same row and collum. It took me 2 days to figure it out, it was really really hard to figure a stratagie out.
The hard part was figuring out how to do a statigie and getting it right.
The easy part was finally getting help and figuring it out.
Here is a picture of the tea cups.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Keeping our self safe
This week we have been keeping our self's safe. The situation is: The baby-sitter touched you inappropriately what do you do? we had to right down what are the options
The hard part was putting the red diamonds on the corner of the descion making boxes.
The easy part was writing the options in the boxes.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
My independent maths
This is my independent maths slide. On here I put my independent work on the slide so the teacher can see what I have been doing.
The hardest part about this was putting the work on the slide.
The easy part was making it look good after the work.
Monday, 11 November 2019
Last Friday we went out to Sumner beach to surf. The surf instructors taught us how to surf and body board. After that we put on our wet suits to be ready to go out. Mrs Mcguinuety's class went out first, and Miss Goslin's class went last. Before that the surf instructor said to us your a dolphin or a seal. I was a dolphin. I am in Miss Williamson's class so I went down to the beach second.
When I go down to the beach the people who are dolphins go body boarding, and the people who are seals go surfing.
I like body boarding more because you go fast on the waves, and its not as hard as surfing.
The hardest part was surfing because, you had to stand up on the board, and I keeped on falling of because I don't have a lot of balance on the board.
The body board was way easier because you just had to lye down on the board and put your hands on the nose of the board and you get pushed by the waves and you go really fast.
I wish I could do this one more time because I love the beach because of the waves and the hot sand.
When I go down to the beach the people who are dolphins go body boarding, and the people who are seals go surfing.
I like body boarding more because you go fast on the waves, and its not as hard as surfing.
The hardest part was surfing because, you had to stand up on the board, and I keeped on falling of because I don't have a lot of balance on the board.
The body board was way easier because you just had to lye down on the board and put your hands on the nose of the board and you get pushed by the waves and you go really fast.
I wish I could do this one more time because I love the beach because of the waves and the hot sand.
body boarding,
school trip,
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Today we competed in our school athletics competition. My favorite events were Sprints, Cross - country and High - jump. I did the best in Sprints, High - jump and Cross - country. I found it hard to keep a good pace in Cross - country because I was puffing a lot. The essayist event for me was sprints because its nice and short.
I came 2nd in Sprints, 4th in High - jump and 7th in cross country.
I came 2nd in Sprints, 4th in High - jump and 7th in cross country.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Kei hea te kuri Kei hea a Miss Willamson?
Where is the dog? Where is Miss Willamson?
Today we have been learning a bit of te reo Moari.
Our teacher Miss Willamson handed out this Moari word sheet.
If its a person its a exg: Kei hea a Miss Wilamson like I did at the top. If you're looking for something its te for exg: Kei hea te kuri like I did at the top.
The hardest part about this was pronouncing the Moari words.
The easy part was writting the words down on the sheet because the words were up on the tv screen
Here is a picture of the sheet...
Here is a picture of the sheet...
Spiraling Decimals
In math's today we were playing a game called Spiraling Decimals. On the sheet you could chose what decimal you want to put on the spiral. You each get a turn of putting decimals on the spiral. To win you need to get 3 in a row you could ither choose a circle to be your mark or a line. Mine was a circle and my friends mark was a line.
The hardest part about this activity was getting 3 in a row because it really easy to block your opponents decimal because that's what my friend done to me. In the end I won 1 and he won 1
The easy part was estimating where the decimal land on the spiral, because you could start at the start and go around the spiral counting in 5s or 100s if you're got a big decimal.
Friday, 25 October 2019
This is my Pic-Collage. This Pic-collage is about a clock that we done today. The teacher write the numbers on the clock. The task was choose a time and tell what the time is on the Pic-Collage.
The hard part was poking the pin through the hand and the clock.
The easy part was colouring it in, because I like colouring things and it was fun.
The hard part was poking the pin through the hand and the clock.
The easy part was colouring it in, because I like colouring things and it was fun.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Zones Of Regulation
This week we have been working on Understanding Different Perspectives Zones of Regulation.
The hardest part of this was putting all the zones in the slide. I don't think that any one put the zones into the slide but I did put it all in one so I dont have to do multiple blog posts
The easy part was putting the words into the cloud and the paper.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Zone's Of Regulation: Angry
Today we have been looking at how different emotions impact our bodies. I did angry. When we feel angry these things happen in our body: Yelling, kicking-hitting, eyebrows are in a angry position, about to kick somebody-about to punch a person, out of control, mean and much more.
The hardest part about this activity was drawing the picture of the person being angry, because we all had different ideas and we all had to put them into one idea.
The easy part was writing this post because our teacher helped us with the blurb to get you hooked in.
I hope you like the picture of the angry person
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Calendar Art
For the past few weeks we have been doing our Calendar art. First we made our draft to see what it will look like for the actual Calendar art.
It was hard to draw it. It was branches hanging starting on the side of the paper and making its way into the middle. I think my draft was better because I dident put vivied on it.
The hardest part was drawing the branches because they got in the way, and also the vivid because it got in the way of the drawing.
The easy part was drawing and dying, the dying was fun because the background looked good at the end.
I hope you like the picture of the Calendar art
It was hard to draw it. It was branches hanging starting on the side of the paper and making its way into the middle. I think my draft was better because I dident put vivied on it.
The hardest part was drawing the branches because they got in the way, and also the vivid because it got in the way of the drawing.
The easy part was drawing and dying, the dying was fun because the background looked good at the end.
I hope you like the picture of the Calendar art
Thursday, 26 September 2019
The Mysterious Old Man
I was walking through my town on a misty, mysterious night. A rugged old man was striding around street’s like a stray cat in the middle of the night. Well I guess I can't judge because that’s the exact same thing that im doing this very minute. He looked very intoxicated because of the way he was walking.
“Hello!” I bellowed. No answer “hello!” no answer, he had some sort of clock in his bag. I didn't know what he was doing. “Spit, spit, spit!” “ew!” I said, that nasty man was spitting. “Sorry” said the man in a quiet voice “it’s alright just don’t spit”
“ok” “hey, uh, where are you going?” I say “ oh im dropping this clock at the thrift shop. He pulls out the rugged clock “it looks old” “that's because it is old” “oh how old is the clock” 1000 years old “what!!” I was skeptical for the whole conversation. “Oh well I better get of now by!” a police car came by with roaring sirens “oh no, ahh!”
I knew he was up to no good he was being chased by the police. He pulls out his clock and picks a time “poof” he’s gone “Where has he gone?” The officer said “he, he pulled out his clock and he picked a time poof he must of teleported, or something? He was never found again…
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Favorite thing to do in nature is...
Today we had to do a sheet that you draw in the circle what your favorite thing to do in nature is.
I chosse to go to the sea and there's a island that im on and just relaxing. Because it is one of my favorite things to do, just relax and enjoy the sunset.
The hardest part about this activity was thinking of the picture to draw in the circle.
The easy part was drawing it because I had the picture that I was drawing in my head.
I chosse to go to the sea and there's a island that im on and just relaxing. Because it is one of my favorite things to do, just relax and enjoy the sunset.
The hardest part about this activity was thinking of the picture to draw in the circle.
The easy part was drawing it because I had the picture that I was drawing in my head.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Happy Cricle
Today we done a circle with the things we value and respect. I names it the Happy Circle (because I didn't what other name to call it) In the white circle you put what is important to you. The dark blue circle is what the things involve eg: I like sport then you put entertainment or being competitive.
The hardest part was making the circles, because getting them into the right place was overwhelming me.
The easy part was thinking of the words that I value, what do these things involve, and what is really important to me.
What could I add next time?
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Cyber Saftey
This week I have finally finished my Cyber Safety Canva project. We had to add four facts about being Cyber Safe.
The first tip is: Do not share your password or personal information.
The Second tip is: Never ever, share were you live because someone can just go in a plane, car, train or any transport and track you down, that wont be very good. Only tell someone you trust.
Third tip is: Don't respond to mean people be nice to people like your on the playground at school. The Fourth and final tip is: Never ever tell someone what school you go to, its just like telling where you live.
The hardest part about this activity was writing the facts on the Canva. Also getting the writing into place and make it look nice and not messy.
The easy part was putting the pictures in and speech bubble that mimick's the mean person talking , and the colorful back ground to just to make it brighter.
Maybe next time I could add a bit more writing into my Canva to tell a more and better facts about Cyber safety
What do you think?
Link to the website: Canva Website
The first tip is: Do not share your password or personal information.
The Second tip is: Never ever, share were you live because someone can just go in a plane, car, train or any transport and track you down, that wont be very good. Only tell someone you trust.
Third tip is: Don't respond to mean people be nice to people like your on the playground at school. The Fourth and final tip is: Never ever tell someone what school you go to, its just like telling where you live.
The hardest part about this activity was writing the facts on the Canva. Also getting the writing into place and make it look nice and not messy.
The easy part was putting the pictures in and speech bubble that mimick's the mean person talking , and the colorful back ground to just to make it brighter.
Maybe next time I could add a bit more writing into my Canva to tell a more and better facts about Cyber safety
What do you think?
Link to the website: Canva Website
Monday, 9 September 2019
Today we were givin a sheet about the lenth of the hydro slide. The way that I worked these problems out were multipaction, adition and divison.
The hardest part about this was thinking what stragie to do.
The easy part was understanding the questions and getting my writting on the paper.
The hardest part about this was thinking what stragie to do.
The easy part was understanding the questions and getting my writting on the paper.
Friday, 6 September 2019
Temperature next week in Christchurch
Today are teacher recorded the weeks temperature in Christchurch. On Friday the temp is 9 degree Celsius, on Sunday the prediction of the weather will be 7 degree Celsius, Saturday will be 10 degrees, Monday 7 degrees, Tuesday 10 degrees, Wednesday 11 degrees and Thursday 13 degrees.
The hard part about this activity was, doing the line graph because getting the dots in the right place was a pain and also writing the days on the bottom I got them messed up a we bit.
The easy part about this activity was, writing my name, date, title and what its about excluding the days of the week.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Line Graph - Social Networking
Today we have been doing a line graph. We have been given, a sheet of paper with the graph and the numbers to the graph and also the x y axis. The task said: Rock star Jim's new album has just been released. The numb
er of fan followers from a leading social networking site for the first ten days are noted. Read the data and draw a line graph.
There is a line graph below all the numbers. We had to dot where the number was on the top of the page, where all the day and number of fans. We went dot too dot all the way up to ten.
The hard part about this activity was doing the line graph. Because, I couldn't get the dots in the right place.
The easy part was getting it finished and seeing the finish.
er of fan followers from a leading social networking site for the first ten days are noted. Read the data and draw a line graph.
There is a line graph below all the numbers. We had to dot where the number was on the top of the page, where all the day and number of fans. We went dot too dot all the way up to ten.
The hard part about this activity was doing the line graph. Because, I couldn't get the dots in the right place.
The easy part was getting it finished and seeing the finish.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
About Sumo Paint
Sumo Paint I where you paint what ever you want. They have different tools such as symmetry tool's, rubbers, pencil and make you pencil thicker and thinner and much more. It's tool's are very simmalr to Pixlr. You do lots of things on this website, and you can Photoshop and take pictures. My best drawing on this website was a cool flower getting blowed in the sun with symmetry tool. The symmetry tool is my favorite, you can make different pattern's and pictures that you want. If you pick the pencil or any other tool you can change it's colours. You can make it thick, or thinner.
This website is not very sutible for writing and presentations also for story's. Its more of a painting and design you pictures and that.
I hope you liked this post about Sumo Paint.
This website is not very sutible for writing and presentations also for story's. Its more of a painting and design you pictures and that.
I hope you liked this post about Sumo Paint.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Equity vs Equality
Writing: This one because it's the same size for everyone. An the other one is a different size like small medium and big.
This week in reading we have been learning about equity and equality. equity means being fair and impartial. And equality means means being equal and rights and oppurtuites. I picked equality because everyone is equal.
The hard part was picking what one to pick.
The easy part was making a statement about the one that I picked
This week in reading we have been learning about equity and equality. equity means being fair and impartial. And equality means means being equal and rights and oppurtuites. I picked equality because everyone is equal.
The hard part was picking what one to pick.
The easy part was making a statement about the one that I picked
Friday, 16 August 2019
Eye Bar Graph
This is my eye bar graph, this bar graph is to tell how many people have blue eyes, brown eyes and other eyes. Brown eyes:16, Blue:4, Other:2
We went around our homeroom finding what the eye color of our class mates are.
There were whats are favorite take away's, what ice cream flavor, and eye color.
The hardest part was drawing the graph to get it right and the numbers across the Y axis.
The easy part was coloring inside the bar graph
Friday, 9 August 2019
Geosphere - Fossils
This is my fossil fact template. We had to find facts about fossils.
The hard part was putting the fossil facts into our own words.
The easy part was taking a picture of our shark teeth to put on our post.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Moment in time Apollo 11
I was sitting in my lounge with my Mum, Dad and brother. We turned the TV on Dad said “Quickly the moon landings gonna happen!” I quickly turned the staticy TV on. The immense pressure was building up to wait for the channel to change to the moon landing. We finally got the channel. “It’s too late for popcorn” I said to my brother.
It feels like time is frozen People are bellowing words all around the neighborhood “ They made history!” My hands are full of sweat and disbelief “ they went to the moon” yelled my brother. “Ya think” I muttered to my brother.
There were parties all night because of the moon landing. News reporters were going mad about it. In the morning I went to school with my brother people were talking about the moon landing left right and center. Some people even thought, it was fake...
The past week, we have been writing our Apollo 11 moment in time. I was the person watching the Apollo 11 moon landing.
The hardest part of writing this story was getting the right setting and getting the words into the right day and age.
The easy part was writing the adjectives.
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Phonics Flip Book
This week we have been working on our flip book. We had clouring pencils, scissors, glue stick and a piece of paper.
First we colure the flip book then you cut it out, once you've cut it out put slits between the words stick it on a piece of paper then you write the definition under the word.
The hardest part was cutting it out and sticking it on.
The easy part was coluring it in.
First we colure the flip book then you cut it out, once you've cut it out put slits between the words stick it on a piece of paper then you write the definition under the word.
The hardest part was cutting it out and sticking it on.
The easy part was coluring it in.
Friday, 2 August 2019
Tally Graph - Siblings
Today we were doing our graphs for the number of siblings.
I have 3 siblings. In our class we had 18 brothers altogether and 17 sisters all together.
And 3 for no siblings
The tools that I used to make this graph was a maths book and a pencil to write and draw the graph.
The challenging part was making the graph and drawing the lines to make it look neet.
The easy part was coloring the bar graph.
What graph would you think I should do.
I have 3 siblings. In our class we had 18 brothers altogether and 17 sisters all together.
And 3 for no siblings
The tools that I used to make this graph was a maths book and a pencil to write and draw the graph.
The challenging part was making the graph and drawing the lines to make it look neet.
The easy part was coloring the bar graph.
What graph would you think I should do.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Mystery Mars
Mars is a mysterious place to be. It has two moons which means that if you are walking on Mars, you would have two shadows it's like a friend for your first shadow. The two moons are Phobos and Deimos. The temperature on Mars is a staggering 195 degrees Celsius degrees you would probably burn up in a millisecond, with no protective gear.
In winter it can plummet to - 125 degrees!. It's like being on Antarctica but 100 times worse. You wouldn't think that mars would drop so low. I was really surprised when I saw - 195 degrees.
Mars is 54. 6 million kilometers! That’s humongous! Especially with the millions in front. In miles its 33.9 miles. You can also see Mars in the sky sometimes. It’s called the red planet because of the particles/materials that make Mars. Mars is made a thick layer of iron oxide that’s what makes it red and That's why they call it the red planet.
There is a rover on mars called Sojourner rover, it landed on mars at 1997 July 4th that means the rover landed on independence day wich is also my birthday. But the mission has been complete to look if there is life on Mars and all of the other things that they were looking at. The mission ended on 2019 February 13th.
The past week we have been learning about our solar system planets. I picked Mars because its red and interesting.
The hardest part was putting the facts into my own words, because you cant copy and past it into your doc.
The easy part was buddy checking my friends to get there writing making sense and adding punctuation.
This has been one of favorite sort of topics to write about because its got research and facts to put it into your own words and that is a challenge.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Mars facts
Mars Facts
- Mars is 125 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius. That means it can go to a blasting temperature to a standard 25 degree day. In winter Mars plummets to - 195 degrees that's like being at Antarctica but 100 times worse! Also Mars atmosphere is 10 times thinner than Earth's atmosphere.
- Earth is 54.6 million kilometers away from Mars. That's really long! It makes it even longer with the millions in front. That's like 100000 times the Earth's radius! That's so huge! It is also the 4th planet from the sun. You would probably think that Mars is the closest planet because the planet is so red and that it is very hot.
- Mars is made of iron and a dense red dust that’s why the planet is red. It is also like earth same material but grass and sand covers it, and every other type of earth source. It is also called the red planet because well, cause its red because it’s made of dust. In the past it also looked like a piece of charcoal. But its red now because contains al ot of iron oxide, to make the planet red.
This week we have been learning about planets. My choice of planet is Mars I choose this because Mars is very interesting because of its redness, also the kilometers that sperate earth from space.
The challenging part was getting the facts down on the doc, and putting them into my own words.
The easy part was putting the last bits to make it fancy icluding the bullet points.
What planet do you like and why you like it?
Today we done a lally chart about how puni-o-toka gets to school
The hard part about this task was getting the graph done, because getting the numbers in and getting the lines in with thr right numbers.
The easy part was counting how many numbers that your sppose to put on and round them up into telly marks.
Have you ever done this task?
Car 17 tally marks
Walk 2 tally marks
Bike 0 tally marks
Scooter 4 tally marks
Bus 0 tally marks
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Different Ways To Say Said
We have been giving a task to make a slide show about different ways to say said.
I chose to do it on google slides because you can blog it with slideshow moving.
The hardest part was making the character and the background to make it look like a school or a house.
The easy part was getting the text into the speech bubbles, and also doing the colouring to fit like we are in a school.
What should I do next time with the character and speech?
Thursday, 27 June 2019
Where I'm From
Where I'm From
I am From League but then changed to football in the early ages,
from a cozy home in Christchurch.
I am the fortunate one to live in a nice family some don’t get that gift
a nice loving dog on my bed at night.
I am from a tutoring place called Kip Mcgrath 1 hour 30 minutes every Tuesday,
but never wanting to go in
but always getting out in time.
I’m from scooter riding to lots of hugs from my parents,
I’m from Tom ‘n’ Jerry and Looney Tunes (Road Runner),
I’m from Xbox 360 to playing Minecraft.
I’m from ‘Jamie James’ and ‘the best footballer in the school’
I am from an ancestry from decades ago.
I am from the beautiful Maori culture, Kapa Haka is my favorite thing in Maori.
I am from eating eels from the rivers to eating hangi out of the ground from decades ago,
from the Maori huts to living in a nice and cozy home now.
from the Maori huts to living in a nice and cozy home now.
Having Maori blood is like having benefits, it's like being an only child,
I'm from the big white cloud called Aotearoa, its steaming hot in summer going to my favorite pool.
Playing with my favorite friends at school playing football is the best.
This is where i'm from...
This is my where im from writing, in this task we were supposed top write a next verse of
a story we read. But I done my own story.
The hardest part was thinking of the idea of to start the story.
The easy part was getting the idea on the Chromebook and getting
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Broken rock, paper, scissors
Broken rock, paper, scissors
One sunny summer day I heard a rustling in the jungle.
I looked up, there was a strong man who looked like he was as hard as a rock.
The strong man said “Look out scissors is coming for you!”
I wondered who was scissors but then I could see his demented look on his face.
He was coming towards me like lightning.
But by then the strong man came down in a flash.
He said “grab my hand!” I got a bit suspicious but then he grabbed my hand furiously.
I put a poisonous plant on my arm so it stung him.
“Ouch!” screamed the strong rock like man.
I finally made my mind up, “ok I said with a mistkaned look”
I looked up, there was a strong man who looked like he was as hard as a rock.
The strong man said “Look out scissors is coming for you!”
I wondered who was scissors but then I could see his demented look on his face.
He was coming towards me like lightning.
But by then the strong man came down in a flash.
He said “grab my hand!” I got a bit suspicious but then he grabbed my hand furiously.
I put a poisonous plant on my arm so it stung him.
“Ouch!” screamed the strong rock like man.
I finally made my mind up, “ok I said with a mistkaned look”
We went into this open area which looked like a desert.
Scissors came along with us too.
I charged with all my might at scissors.
But scissors beats paper
I collapsed to the ground frantically trying to get up but it didn't work.
My eyes were very blurry and I couldn't see well.
But I did see the strong man jump up like a kangaroo.
Then bashed scissors till he become a grain of dust.
Scissors came along with us too.
I charged with all my might at scissors.
But scissors beats paper
I collapsed to the ground frantically trying to get up but it didn't work.
My eyes were very blurry and I couldn't see well.
But I did see the strong man jump up like a kangaroo.
Then bashed scissors till he become a grain of dust.
The strong rock like man picked me up in a rush.
The rock like man's hands were shattering second by second.
He was running and running as fast as he can. But then the rock deceased.
His head and body fell off.
A tear ran down my cheek then a pool of tears went everywhere.
I picked his head up one last time and said “goodbye”...
The rock like man's hands were shattering second by second.
He was running and running as fast as he can. But then the rock deceased.
His head and body fell off.
A tear ran down my cheek then a pool of tears went everywhere.
I picked his head up one last time and said “goodbye”...
This is broken rock, paper, scissors
We watched a video on our Raupo site called Broken rock, paper, scissors
We were given a task to write out the story from one of the characters perspective.
I chose paper, paper was begin chased by scissors you can fin the rest out...
The hardest part of this task was to pick what character I wanted to be rock and then paper.
But I ended up being paper. Because it looked more interesting to be the one who is chased by scissors.
The essayist part was writing down what I think paper will say when she speaks in the story. And getting the setting in the story right.
I hope you enjoyed this story.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Name Code
My name code was 111445111.
This activity was really confusing at the start, I didn't know what to do. But then I got the hang of it I only found 1 code.
The hardest part was thinking what the strategy.
The easy part was getting the hang of it and getting the numbers right
This is my Name code
This was One of the most confusing tasks that I've done. But then I got the hang of it with the numbers and letters. I hope you enjoyed this task, it was one of the hardest tasked that I done.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Identity Portrate
For the past few weeks we have been learing about identity. In the middle where the blue box is there are words around my person. We don a via survey and it tells you what you are and the words that mean somthing to you.
The hardest part was thinking what the words should that I should put around my box on the outside.
The easy bit was getting the screen shot and doing the survey to get the words that mean somthing to me.
I hope you liked this post, about identity.
Idependent Maths
This is my independent Maths slide. I might have posted this one or twice. The latest task is on the end slide (slide 10)
For this task there were 8 students, and we had to put them away from each other that matched up, for example. You cant put 6 diagonally next to 5 or upwards.
The hardest par was finding out ways to put the students in the right place and not lose (it took me like 100 attempts bye the way) but then I got some friends to help me out and then I got the hang of it. I only go 1 combination. See if you can get more than 1 combination.
The easy part was finally getting it right and the certificate saying correct. I felt so refiled.
Monday, 17 June 2019
Who Am I ?
Who am I ?
His Eyes are sometimes brown and hazel like green grass
His hair is dark brown like melted chocolate
His birthday is 4th of July on America's independence day
His lips are a light red sometimes annoyingly chapped.
He loves to play futsal,
he has really good footwork like Kylian MBappe
he has really good footwork like Kylian MBappe
He is funny like a clown trying to please kids,
and always puts a smile on people's face
and always puts a smile on people's face
Who am I ?
This is my Who Am I Poem. We done feature's of personality and what you look like and what you like to do.
The challenge part was thinking of the ideas to compare what I look like and what my personality is.
The easy bit was Putting the words that I thought of into sentences about me.
I think I need to work better on the amount of writing I produce.
If you think you do please a question to improve my writing.
I hope you enjoy!
Part table

Today we done a task. To see how many people our sittging at the table. I used my adding strategy. The hardest part was adding the people at the table. The easy part was working it out on a whiteboard.
I hope you like it. There is the working out picture on the whiteboard.
And the task at the top.
Friday, 14 June 2019
The Caterpillar
This is my catterpillar drawings from Caterpillar shoes.
The hardest part about this activity was getting the arowns into place.
The easy part was drawing the pictures and thinking of what to draw about Caterpillar shoes.
I love drawings simple things that look so good. I hope you enjoyed!
Thursday, 13 June 2019
But, Im still Thrilled
But, i'm still thrilled
I was walking down the road when I saw a toad he looked cold and picked his nose I gave him a loose rose near a hose.
I gave a rose to a sad toad who picked his nose, but i’m still thrilled!
I saw a poor fox that lived in a box I gave him a scarf with a small bath
I gave a cold sad toad, who picked his nose a loose rose, I gave a scarf and a small bath to a fox who lived in a box
But, i’m still thrilled!
I looked over at a small ant who had no pants I gave him pants so he wouldn't rant.
I gave a rose to a cold toad who picked his nose, I saw a fox in a box I gave him a scarf and a small bath, I gave an ant some pants so he wouldn't rant
But, i’m still thrilled!
I saw a cat how needed a fancy hat to surprise the rat, I saw a hat shop so I gave it to the cat who’s gonna kill the rat.
I gave a cold sad toad who picked his nose a loose rose, I gave a scarf and a small bath to a fox who lived in a box
I saw an ant who needed pants so he wouldn't rant,
I gave a cat a fancy hat so he could surprise the rat
But I’m still thrilled!
The cat, the toad the fox the ant the cat came back to give me a pat on the back
But, i'm still thrilled!
I went to the shop to get more clothes, but the toad who picked his nose said “it’s alright said the toad heres this loose rose”
Thanks the man said in a flattered voice “why thank you toad” No problem Bottmeley Tomplems
The past few days we have been doing repetition in story's with rhymes mixed in.
The hardest part was thinking of the rhmes that make sense and the rhyme with the words that i'm rhyming with.
The easy part was the repetition you make the rhyming words and then you add a wee bit more to the story each time.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
The Lost Flock
The Lost Flock
Once upon a high time? There was once a mysterious sheep, going onto a big
adventure through the bright blue sky. “There seems to be a rope attached to him” said the lost boy on the ground
But that didn't bother the sheep from his big adventure. He didn't know where he was going he just wanted to see the gigantic world, the sheep sighs in disappointment. The sheep thought he was lost and he didn't know where to go.
Then another sheep floats “for goodness sake!” said the annoyed sheep. “Why can I just be in peace!” he ferociously kick’s the sheeps baloon and the other sheep falls. “Ahh that's better” he sighed in relief.
Day and night pass, the sheep gets nowhere but, then a couple hours pass and then the sheep that fell down then floated back up again with another pair of balloons. “That’s it !” he said in anger. A plane was about to fly past so the `sheep pushed the other sheep into the plane. “NOW WILL YOU GO AWAY!? ” Bahh!” said the other sheep. But that didn't stop him.
Then suddenly, 5 other floating sheeps come with hundreds of balloons on them. The sheep sighed “well if you can't get them away you gotta take them with you” The sheep turns back and kicks all of the sheeps to tomorrow, and pops all of there balloons one by one at a time. Then he said in a calm voice “my time has come, my journey should end here goodbye.”And he falls gracefully to the ground without a sound.
The other sheeps had a funeral, but then PLOT TWIST the sheep awakens joring the funeral and kicks every other sheep in the funeral. Then he sese in a calm voice “my journey isn't over I will be back to finish my journey goodbye...goodbye...
This is my Lost flock writing we done it in a pair of 2 so it will be a bit harder. My buddy was oah he thought of the ideas and I put it into writing, he also done paragraph 4
The hardest part was working with a buddy and thinking of what story to make.
The easy part was getting the flow with the writing and getting it fineshed.
I hope you like are lost flock writing about a sheep on an adventure
This is my
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