Mars is a mysterious place to be. It has two moons which means that if you are walking on Mars, you would have two shadows it's like a friend for your first shadow. The two moons are Phobos and Deimos. The temperature on Mars is a staggering 195 degrees Celsius degrees you would probably burn up in a millisecond, with no protective gear.
In winter it can plummet to - 125 degrees!. It's like being on Antarctica but 100 times worse. You wouldn't think that mars would drop so low. I was really surprised when I saw - 195 degrees.
Mars is 54. 6 million kilometers! That’s humongous! Especially with the millions in front. In miles its 33.9 miles. You can also see Mars in the sky sometimes. It’s called the red planet because of the particles/materials that make Mars. Mars is made a thick layer of iron oxide that’s what makes it red and That's why they call it the red planet.
There is a rover on mars called Sojourner rover, it landed on mars at 1997 July 4th that means the rover landed on independence day wich is also my birthday. But the mission has been complete to look if there is life on Mars and all of the other things that they were looking at. The mission ended on 2019 February 13th.
The past week we have been learning about our solar system planets. I picked Mars because its red and interesting.
The hardest part was putting the facts into my own words, because you cant copy and past it into your doc.
The easy part was buddy checking my friends to get there writing making sense and adding punctuation.
This has been one of favorite sort of topics to write about because its got research and facts to put it into your own words and that is a challenge.